DDF to Sponsor Workshop on BCS Drug Evaluation & Bioequivalence
/La Habana, Cuba, September 12th, 2016: The Drug Delivery Foundation will be co-sponsoring a workshop titled "BCS Drug Evaluation and Bioequivalence in conjunction with the Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology and the Cuban Society of Pharmacology.
This course will offer a scientific program focused in BCS application with a focus on scientists working in drug development and medicines evaluation. Content includes lectures and hands on BCS, including methods for estimating and evaluating drug intestinal absorption, dissolution test and IVIVC.
The course will run from September 12th to September 14th. Send an e -mail to macabreraster@gmail.com to receive full information about the course. A full schedule is available here.
Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology: http://www.cigb.edu.cu/
Cuban Society of Pharmacology: http://www.scf.sld.cu/
About the Drug Delivery Foundation: We serve as an international, not-for-profit organization for promoting education, training and research in the drug delivery field. We have provided training to industry, regulatory, and academic scientists and organizations.